(Emailed to GoDaddy CEO and GoDaddy PR earlier today as an Open Letter) Dear CEO, You're under attack and the only reason I am not moving my domain names because of a salesman name "Ron" (and the fact that nobody else can host domains below 8$). You can look up my customer number (support@WebContentSolutions.com ) and see that I have about 250 domain names. If NameCheap.com gets smart and gets their domain name renewals at or below $8 dollars a year.. You're toast! You may not remember this, but AltaVista used to be king of the hill before Google came along. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Godaddy may be the new "AltaVista" --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- You really seem to be trying to screw the people that hold the keys to your kingdom! IE : Your customers!! You guys have actively decided to be a part (support SOPA) of people who are against your customers: The RIAA and MPAA I can appreciate your CEO and top brass wanting to rub elbows with the beautiful "Maxim"/Hollywood crowd, but the geeks who have elevated you will crush you pretty quickly if you go against them - a la Alta Vista! It seems you have decided to go against their core interests!! Simply releasing a letter saying you're not for SOPA is not enough since you helped DRAFT] SOPA! You should FIRE the lawyer who helped draft SOPA and run COMMERCIALS against it! You seem to like super bowl commercials.. This is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU! ** Run a Super Bowl Commercial against SOPA! ** January Super Bowl is Coming.. You'll reverse your fortune in one fell swoop! Here is my story: I created a real estate website that has zebra stripes. http://www.kendallsellsmore.com Another web design company used a different set of zebra stripes I bought mine from IStockPhoto--Completely legit.. My client's website was taken down for about seven days while I disputed the DMCA takedown notice because one of my competitors had a different set of zebra stripes on their website! What you're doing/supporting is making it so that anyone, for any reason, can complain and take down a website that they don 't like! You're adding to the problem, which is the DMCA, which is already bad enough as it is! Regular people (web designers) are already affected by these stupid a** laws that are already on the books, and you want to add MORE?!?!! It is not only about movies and music - It's about anyone filing a complaint for any reason for anything and then putting us web designers out of business! We can't afford to fight people complaining that they don't like competition.. Here you go.. www.kendallsellsmore.com vs www.lynnekelleher.com My site : KendallSellsMore was taken off line! This is what you have to look forward to! We WebMasters are the reason why you are in business!! recourse Here is the actual letter I used ( Feel free to use this as you're template ) to have the site re-instated! This is BS that I had my client's website pulled down over this!! Jealous competitors can have your site pulled down on a whim! http://www.WebContentSolutions.com /bs-dmca.jpg Floyd Owner of : www.WebContentSolutions.com #1 Google for : Real Estate Web Design Designing Real Estate Sites for over 11 years! |