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How To Get A Real Estate Site In DMOZ1. Go to dmoz.org
2. type in <Clien'ts Main City> real estate
3. go to that category . by clicking on a result's
category link...
-- http://buyblueridgerealestate.com Regional:
North America: United States: Georgia: Localities: B: Blue Ridge: Business and
Economy: Real Estate: Residential: Agents (1)
Look at the descriptions the other people used and
copy one w/ slight modification..
Generally something like this is fine
Featuring home search, reports and local
information for <city>.
Local agent offers free reports and forms, agent
bio and scrolling homes.
(if a broker:)
Local broker offers free home search, reports,
forms and local information.
Note: Keep the description of your site brief - no
longer than 20 - 25 words.
4. Click 'Suggest URL' link. Its
at the top next to 'about dmoz'
5. Enter the title. Never use the city in the
title. They think you're trying to keyword pack. If an agent ALWAYS submit
like this :
<Agent> - <OfficeTitle>
If a broker, then the <OfficeTitle> (the
office title should be visible when you visit their homepage or you probably
wont get added to their directory - again, dont use the city name in the
title of site field.)
Look at how the others in the category have their
listing. Don't try to do it differently or you wont get in.
6. Enter description (read above step
7. Enter email. It doesn't matter if it works or
not. Use either contact@domain.com or
theirname@domain.com better to use theirname@domain.com It needs to LOOK
legitimate. Nobody is going to email it though. This is a human editied
directory, not a robot checking/verification system/directory, so an email that
looks legitimate is more important than a working email.. info@domain.com always works, but looks
spammy. Anything you cand do to make your entry look like an ameteur (who
follows their rules) added the submission is a plus. Anything that looks like a
script added the submission is a big negative.
Things to remember: If you're not
in the right cateogry, you wont get added. This is probably the biggest
reason a site doesn't get added. To be sure you're in the right category, look
at who else is in the category. Would you say they're direct competitors? If
not, you're probably not in the right category.
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